About MD Cheer


Mater Dei Cheerleading is a year-round program that participates in sideline cheerleading with a large emphasis and focus on competitive cheerleading. At Mater Dei Cheer, we strive for competitive greatness while holding young women accountable to their coaches, teachers, and teammates. We focus on building the character of our athletes on and off the competitive playing field. MD cheer forms a culture and community of sportsmanship, dominance in our sport, security in our Catholic faith, and the WE over ME approach to daily practices.


In all things we do, we STRIVE to Be Better.

Squad Composition


  •  Junior Varsity and Varsity level teams
  • All levels participate in sideline cheer and competition cheer
  • Competitive UCA Varsity Gameday
Participation in All-Star Competitive Cheer
We understand that many athletes come from highly competitive all-star teams. While we appreciate the knowledge and experience gained from all-star cheerleading, we are forth coming regarding the time commitment that is required to be on Mater Dei Cheer. Therefore, we no longer allow Mater Dei Cheerleaders to participate in all-star cheer during the months of May-February. 
Out of State Travel
As a highly competitive team, we are eager to test our abilities amongst the best in the country. For 2024-2025 season, Varsity cheer will attend 3 out of state trips. The cost of these trips will be primarily at the cost of the individual, however, we are hopeful to minimize cost with summer fundraisers.  
UCA Camp 
University of Kentucky-
July 19-22
Varsity Only 
UCA Regional
November 23 
Varsity and Gameday 
National High School Cheerleading Championship
Orlando, Florida 
February 5th-10th
Head Coach Contact Information
Katie Bowers