Power Play Fund - Supporting Mater Dei Ice Hockey

Our Mission

In the tradition of Honor, Glory, and Love our mission is to empower student athletes of all levels to develop sportsmanship, teamwork, and achieve individual goals through a participation in a positive hockey experience. This focus will help them develop as players and individuals and foster a life-long love for the game of hockey.


Goal of the Power Play Fund

All players have a unique path to achieve their goals. Through trust in the development process, exceptional work ethic, and consistency of progressive challenges players can achieve individual goals. The goal of the Power Play fund is to help every team member achieve their goals with financial support.

Please comment below with your Monarch MVP Power Player's name.  Thank you for your support.  Please note, you will receive an email immediately following your gift that will serve as your tax deductible donation receipt.

Have questions? Please contact Head Coach Tim Sigafoos @ (714) 315-6601 or [email protected].